The Vampire's Contract

In the Year of Your Lord, ________

Be it known to all that this Indenture (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") is entered into between:

Monsieur Pierre D'Arcane de Beausoleil, (known hereafter as “Master Vampire”)


_______________, of ___________, (known hereafter as “Victim/Apprentice”)

Whereas the Master Vampire, being an immortal creature of the night with dominion over the supernatural realm, possesses the power to confer immortality and the attributes of the undead upon a willing mortal soul. And the Victim/Apprentice, desiring to embrace the shadows and forsake mortal existence in exchange for eternal life as an undead creature, voluntarily consents to enter into this pact, both parties hereby agree to the terms and covenants set forth below:

Transaction Details 

1.1 The Victim/Apprentice, by their own free will, offers up their mortal existence, including their corporeal form and immortal soul, to the Master Vampire, to be relinquished upon the completion of the necessary rituals and incantations. 

1.2 In consideration for the aforementioned sacrifice, the Master Vampire shall invoke their ancient powers, enacting the Dark Rites of Transformation upon the Victim/Apprentice, rendering them immortal and bestowing upon them the eternal existence of an undead being, subject to the vampire's dominion.

Obligations of the Master Vampire 

2.1 The Master Vampire shall undertake the responsibility of performing the required rituals and incantations, utilizing their supernatural abilities to effect the transformation of the Victim/Apprentice into an immortal creature of the night. 

2.2 The Master Vampire shall provide instruction, guidance, and tutelage to the newly transformed undead being, aiding them in acclimating to their newfound immortal state, imparting the wisdom of the ages, and teaching the ways of the vampire. 

2.3 The Master Vampire shall extend their protection over the Victim/Apprentice, shielding them from harm, guiding them through the shadows, and sharing the secrets and customs of the vampire society.

Obligations of the Victim/Apprentice 

3.1 The Victim/Apprentice, with full comprehension and volition, surrenders their mortal essence, accepting the irrevocable consequence of their transformation into an undead being, forever severed from the world of the living. 

3.2 The Victim/Apprentice shall faithfully serve the Master Vampire, obeying their commands, and abiding by the ancient laws and customs of the vampire order. 

3.3 The Victim/Apprentice shall strive to master their newfound powers, temper their insatiable thirst for the lifeblood of mortals, and maintain the clandestine nature of the undead existence, upholding the veil of secrecy and avoiding undue exposure to daylight.

Compensation and Consideration 

4.1 As recompense for the surrender of their mortal soul, the Victim/Apprentice shall be granted the gift of eternal life as an undead creature, embracing the shadowed realms, and endowed with supernatural abilities inherent to the vampire kind. 

4.2 The Victim/Apprentice shall gain access to the arcane knowledge, ancient lore, and accumulated wisdom of the Master Vampire, receiving tutelage and guidance in the intricate arts and ways of the undead.


5.1 This Contract shall endure until such time as the Victim/Apprentice voluntarily releases their immortal state or faces the ultimate and final death. 

5.2 Either party may terminate this Contract in the event of a breach of the agreed-upon obligations or the violation of the vampire code, supernatural laws, or ancient customs.


6.1 The parties to this Contract shall preserve absolute secrecy concerning the existence and particulars herein, including the true nature of the Master Vampire and all other matters of the supernatural realm, maintaining the veiled existence of the Undead Order. 

6.2 Any divulgence of such confidential information may result in severe consequences, as decreed by the Master Vampire.

Governing Law 

7.1 This Contract shall be governed by the prevailing laws of the supernatural realm, those ancient principles and customs established among the undead, and any disputes arising hereunder shall be settled within the realm of the Undead Order.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Indenture on the day and year first above written.

[Monsieur Pierre D'Arcane] Signature: _____________________

[                                                          ] Signature: _____________________